
Linux VSWindows

Linux VSWindows Is Linux with Windows the thing of a class? Can you install the Windows after Linux installs Linux in order to be below Windows to be done not have? Two can take only It is security of operating system linux sex of strong Windows operation is tall advantageous fraud can install dual system to won't be enclothed by another operating system is divisional format only different, windows is Ntfs, the divisional format of Fat and the Grub when Linux supports Ext2/3 divisional format to switch on the mobile phone guides clew to let you choose to enter which system ~ Linux is open source code, windows is Microsoft development, the course encloses, the clew that should install Windows to install a program according to Linux again first only will install multiple bootstrap. If Lz wants to play game, recommend strongly if Lz thinks,use Windows well the knowledge of operating system of computer learning a dot, that can install dual system with Linux, install Windows first, installing Linux Won't be done not have, you can let choose to take which system when switching on the mobile phone. Ps; installs Win reload Lin to just go first only, conversely if do not enter in Lin, the bootstrap because of Win (after switching on the mobile phone, be in charge of choosing, the program of the operating system that start) do not identify Linux but the guiding of Lin can support Win

